Visit us
plan your visit
what should i wear?
Whether you wear suits, dresses, or jeans and t-shirts, you are welcome here. We want you to look and feel great so you're comfortable during your worship experience.
where do i park?
Parking is available in front of the church, and our friendly parking lot staff will be there to greet and help you find a spot.
We also have special VIP parking available for our first-time visitors. Just drive to the front of the church and park in any spot that has a "First-time Visitor Parking" sign.
what will my children do?
The first goal of Children’s Sunday School is to fill children’s hearts with the word of God. We want the people, stories, promises, and laws of the Bible to become familiar to them, and serve them throughout their lives.
We offer children Ministry and nursery for your little ones newborn to 7yrs old during service. Older children are welcome to join their parents for our main worship service at 11:00 a.m.
what if i need a ride?
We're happy to give you a lift so you can attend our worship service. Contact the church office to schedule bus pick up at (954) 533- 8187 or send us an email at
what is the service like?
As you enter our doors, you'll receive a warm welcome from our reception area staff, who will escort you to the sanctuary, where you can select your preferred seating.
From there, you'll enjoy beautiful music from our worship team and hear our pastors share scripture-based messages that will help deepen your relationship with God. After service, you can enjoy a few refreshments and connect with your new church family.
how do i get involved?
You don’t have to be shy or afraid to get involved in church. It’s a great place to find community and support, and being part of the service and worship team is a rewarding way to get involved.